
Bilingual Teacher<br/> Emi

Bilingual Teacher

Emi sensei is an energetic teacher. Her passion in English started when she was in her elementary school days. She joined a homestay program in Australia when she was in the High school.  After she graduated her study of  Comparative Culture in Canada, she worked in a various fields where she could keep up her English speaking skills. Based on her experience of teaching to a various group of age students and as a mother of three children she decided to pursue her dream to share young children the fun of learning English with their big smiles.


 >>Educational Background: Associate Degree of General Arts Science, Culture Comparative Studies

Emi 先生は、豊富な海外経験を持つ元気溢れる先生です。

Bilingual Teacher<br/>Mika

Bilingual Teacher

She is a mother of two who can be physically active with children throughout the day.  She has lived in the United States with her parents from ten to fifteen.  She remembers having a hard time acquiring a new language at that age at the local school while she found her brother, six years younger than her, picking up both English and Japanese naturally.  Through her experience, she learned that early childhood is the best time to learn English the fun and easy way. She aims to help everyone in her class discover the joy of learning English.

Educational Background: B.A. Degree in English Literature

Mika 先生は、出産子育てが一段落して、ポルクに入ったお母さん先生です。
Bilingual Teacher<br/>OTO

Bilingual Teacher

Oto was one of the students in Polku. She remembers how the teachers have provided her the opportunity to be immersed in English and cultures through fun activities. She learned English at Polku since she was in elementary school until she graduated Junior High School and eventually decided to continue her study in High-school for three years in Australia. Her great experiences were her chance of interacting with the local students, her host families as well as with the other international students from other countries. The precious moments she spent in an oversea country has made her believes that not only English skills and cultures but also knowledges and way of thinking from different perspectives are very important. After she graduated for high school, she’s also spent for another year to learn Linguistic and Translation at a University in Sydney. She is looking forward to spending time with her students at Polku and telling them how fun to learn English and cultures as she experienced before she joined POLKU. 

BA Interpretation and Translation (postponed)
Whites Hill State Collage 


Bilingual Teacher<br/>Sayumi

Bilingual Teacher

Sayumi-sensei has a strong interest in learning English and always eager to know how to use English naturally since she was younger. She earned her degree in business and she decided to continue her passion in learning English. While she was busy working, she encouraged herself to speak English with her 5- and 2-years old sons as they go to an international preschool near their home every day.  After she worked for a life insurance company for twelve years, she decided to join POLKU because she wishes to expand her English-speaking skills while she looks after the young learners at Polku.    

Educational Background: Bachelor Degree in Business Administration.  

Bilingual Teacher<br/>Reiko

Bilingual Teacher

Reiko-sensei is a very active mother. During her free times she listens to music, particularly to K-pop, reads books and enjoys making arts and crafts. She also cooks healthy meals, do some workouts and spent her fun times with her son and dog. As her great passion of Learning English since she was a child, she went to Australia and the US to study English when she was a teenager. After she graduated from the university majoring in English Language degree, she stayed in Australia for about a year where she had a great experience of living in an English-speaking country. She has taught English to children for over six years at an English school in Japan and enjoyed spending her time with children.    

Educational Background: Bachelor Degree in English Language.  

Bilingual Teacher<br/>Ami

Bilingual Teacher

Is a highly motivated and friendly person with a background in Early Childhood Education.  She went to Hawaii with her family in her younger days, and then stayed in Australia for a few weeks for her Home-stay Program when she was in high school.  Her passion for foreign cultures had led her to go to college in the United States to continue her study about Early Childhood Education.  Her lecturer let her pursue her dream to become a teacher by offering her to work at preschool in her campus.  It was a precious experience for her as she was able to see the children grow and develop their social and emotional skills and knowledges in a short period of time.  After she graduated from the college, she continued to work as a preschool teacher in California for a year.  She enjoys watching movies and spends time with her family during her free time. She is also very excited to be working and spending time with your child and to be part of POLKU family. 


小学生の頃に、家族とハワイに旅行に訪れた時に、様々な国の人がいて日本語以外の言語を話していることに感心をしました。そして会話が理解が出来ないもどかしさを感じました。英語を学んで世界中にお友達を作りたい!と思ったのが英語に興味を持ったきっかけです。高校生の時には、オーストラリアでホームステイを数週間経験しました。大学ではアメリカで幼児教育を学び、教授の一環で保育園を紹介してもらい学生をしながら保育士として働いていました。こどもたちの成長を感じる日々はとても素晴らしい経験でした。そして、日本の保育園とは違ったPlay-Basedの考えに興味を持ち、大学を卒業してからもアメリカで引き続き保育士として一年間働いていました。 休日には、家族と一緒にお出かけするのが好きです。また、映画を見ることもあります。 これからポルクでこどもたちに英語での会話の楽しさ、海外の文化、日本の文化の素晴らしさを伝えるのが楽しみです。  
