
Principal / School Director<br/>Rudy

Principal / School Director

The school Principal and School Director, Rudy-sensei, has had extensive experience with teaching students from a variety of ages and ability. He has spent over nineteen years as a teacher of foreign languages in Japan, and founded Polku International School to provide a delivery medium for his philosophies on education.
His passions are teaching, meeting and entertaining people, particularly those who wish to study English and learn more about foreign cultures. He loves both challenging and being challenged by students. During his free time, he has a keen interest in Japan and its unique culture and wishes to instil the same joy, curiosity and excitement he feels for Japan to the students in his care, in their feelings towards other countries. He enjoys any kinds of music as well.
Originally born in Jakarta, Rudy-sensei lived and studied in Melbourne, Australia for many years. He later moved to Kyoto and then Tokyo where he developed his skills as an educator, and eventually opened Polku International School. His goal with Polku was calling upon his experience to build the best environment for lifetime learning, with an emphasis on students from preschool to kindergarten age.


Education : Master Degree <大学院卒>
Post Graduate of Business Management
Central Queensland University, Australia
Undergraduate of Business Advertising
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia
General Manager<br/>Mihoyo

General Manager

Mihoyo Sensei is the school manager, but that doesn’t mean she also doesn’t join in with lessons and help all students achieve their learning goals. After spending time living in Australia, she returned to Japan with a passion for the English teaching industry, and spent 2 years working in an international preschool as a manager. From that experience, she has helped Polku grow into the successful learning establishment it is today. Also, as a mother of two kids, she has a lot of understanding on how to deal with children!


Qualification : Certificate of Hospitality Management
    Education : Hawthorn Language College, Australia / English Preparation for College / Australian Hospitality College, Melbourne Australia
English Teacher<br/>Jeth

English Teacher

Jeth was born in Manila and lived and raised in Maui, Hawaii. He is a half Filipino quarter Chinese and quarter Spanish. His unique multicultural family backgrounds make him feel confidence and able to work with different kind of people in Japan. He holds a medical school degree however he decided to teach English in Japan after he realised that his passion is actually to teach English in Japan. He has also experience working in international school for many years in Japan.
Education background: Bachelor of Science Major in Biology
Jeth 先生は、経験豊富な、ネイティブティーチャーです。
彼は、フィリピンのマニラで生まれ、ハワイのマウイで育ちました。父方がフィリピン人、母方が中国系とスペイン系の血を引き継いでいます。多文化な環境に育った経験を活かし、様々な人種国籍の人と自信を持って関わることができます。医学部を卒業するという異例な学歴を持っていますが、 日本で英語を教えるという先生に人生のやりがいを感じています。これまでも他のインターナショナルスクールでの経験も活かし、このポルクで一緒に英語を学んでみてください。
English Teacher<br/>Suzanne

English Teacher

Suzanne was born in Yorkshire, England and graduated at a Performing Arts college in London and her love for dance at a small age brought her traveling to Asia for the first time 20 years ago to Hong Kong, China, Korea and Japan. Her love for Japan made her settle in Nagasaki 18 years ago where she became an ALT at various Elementary Schools and then continued teaching at Japanese English Schools. She transferred to Chiba in 2012 where she became a teacher trainer however her passion for teaching continued and aims to have fun, creative lessons in Polku.

>> Educational background: Performing Arts College and Teacher Trainer.

スーザン先生は、英国の北部の街ヨークシャーで生まれ育ち、ロンドンの舞台芸術学校を卒業しました。 約20年前、彼女はダンスで好きで、香港・中国・韓国・日本などアジアを中心に周り、18年前に辿り着いた長崎で様々小学校のALT(外国語指導教師)としてのスタートを切りました。2012年に、教師を指導する立場となり、千葉へやって来てからも、先生として”教えること”への情熱は、勿論忘れていません。現在に到るまで、日本の英語学校などで、英語を教え続けており、今回、”楽しむ”そして ”創造性豊かな(クリエイティブ)”なレッスンを目指して、ポルクの先生の一員として加わることになりました。
English Teacher<br/>Austin

English Teacher

Austin-sensei was born in the United States. Growing up, his family hosted almost a dozen exchange students from all over the world. Inspired by those connections, Austin became an exchange student in high school, living in Taiwan for a year and experiencing their culture. After returning to the US, he continued to study foreign languages and cultures. After coming to Japan in university on a 6-month exchange program to Nanzan University, he decided to move to Japan after graduating. Since moving in 2019, he has taught English in Nagano, Chiba, and Tokyo, to students as young as 6 months old. He finds language fascinating and wants to share that passion with all his students.

Education Background:
BA with Honors in International Relations, double-minoring in Political Science and Japanese Language and Culture


English Teacher<br/>Aisling

English Teacher

Aisling is from Scotland (UK), and first moved to Japan in 2018. She has experience in teaching English, Yoga and Dance to students of all ages in Tokyo, Kyoto and now in Chiba! Before living in Japan, Aisling was a professional dancer based in London, and she likes to use her background in dance to make her lessons fun, active and engaging. Aisling is looking forward to meeting the students here at Polku, and hopes to enjoy learning English together.    Education:  BA (Hons) in Professional Dance (University of Kent/Central School of Ballet)
Education: BA Business Management in Entrepreneur  

English Teacher<br/>Ida

English Teacher

Ida-sensei was born in the Philippines.  She moved to Japan as she always  very excited to have more opportunities to learn and explore Japanese cultures. She has worked in Singapore as her first experience to live abroad twelve years ago as she wished to earn more experience as an entrepreneur before she decided to came to Japan in 2017.  Since then, she has started to teach English to younger learners and nursery school students and enjoys herself having fun moments with her students and raising her own two children at home. Together with Polku, as part of the team, she is looking forward to seeing her students’s growth and having pleasant learning times with them.
Education: BA Business Management in Entrepreneur  

Bilingual Teacher<br/>Hiroko

Bilingual Teacher

As a bilingual staff member, Hiroko sensei works with all the classes, with a particular focus on our after-kinder programs. She lived in Australia and the Philippines for one year, where she studied English and acquired a TESL qualification. During her time in Australia, she worked in both a childcare center, and as a babysitter, which helped build the skills she uses at Polku.  Hiroko-sensei joined Polku seven years ago.  She works for younger age as well as for kinder age. Her passions are children, music, movies and traveling. Her dream is to travel the world and meet people of all nationalities.
Education background: College Certificate, TESL.
彼女の情熱は、子供達と関わり、音楽・映画・旅行をすることです。そんな彼女自身の夢は大きく、“世界一周!“。 今後も沢山の人達と出会い、自分の知らない世界・文化に触れ続けて行く先生です。
Bilingual Teacher<br/>Mariko

Bilingual Teacher

Mariko is the early morning shift teacher.  Her first exposure to English was at the age of five.  Her father was transferred to Toronto, Canada, where she stayed until she was ten years old.  As her dream as a child was to be able to act as a bridge to connect Japan and other cultures, she majored in English in collage.  She has worked as an in-house interpreter in several companies.  She loves having fun with children and is blessed with two wonderful sons.  She lives close the school. 

Education Background: Bachelor of Arts Degree in English

Mariko先生は、朝のスタッフとして勤務をしています。 彼女は、5歳から10歳の幼い頃を父親の赴任先のカナダ/トロントで過ごしました。子どもの頃から日本と他文化の架け橋となりたいという思いから、大学では英米語を専攻し、また社内通訳として、いくつかの企業に勤めてきました。子どもと遊ぶことが大好きで、彼女自身にも2人の息子さんがいます。ポルクの近くに住んでいますので、見かけたらぜひお気軽にお声がけください。
Bilingual Teacher<br/>Megumi

Bilingual Teacher

彼女は幼い頃から英語を学ぶことに興味があり、オーストラリアの大学で2年間勉強しました。 ポルクに入社する前は、小学生の助教としての経験があります。 ポルクでは、午後のクラスを含むさまざまなクラスを教え、サポートしています。 彼女は子供達と遊びを楽しめ、教える時間も楽しんでいます。 彼女の好きな趣味は、旅行とハイキングです。

Educational Background: Diploma of International Leadership, Sydney, Australia.

Since her young age, she was interested in learning English and she has studied at a college in Australia for two years. Before she joined us, she had experienced as an assistant teacher for elementary school students. At Polku she is teaching and supporting a variety of classes including classes in the afternoon. She enjoys her teaching time as she is also knows how to make her students happy in the class. One of her favourite hobbies are traveling and hiking.